I went to bed late last night.
I woke up tired this morning.
It happens.
I could have just stayed in bed. I had the perfect justification.
But something else happened.
Instead I started thinking about the things I had planned to do today.
That could have gone in one of two ways.
“Oh I have all these things to do today. If I don’t get out of bed now I’ll never get them all done.”
How would that have turned out for me?
Sure, I would have gotten up (ticked off and irritable), gotten everything done (hopefully) with an outside chance of getting them done well.
With that mindset of course there is no guarantee they would have been done well.
Instead, I pictured in my mind me getting everything done with a smile on my face, with energy, with good posture, strength, and with success.
What happened next?
My tired tush popped up out of bed, excited about the day, ready to get after it.
Ready to be successful, interact with cool people, smile, laugh, stand up tall (as tall as I can) and strong, feel good about myself.
Now I’m primed to kick butt and maybe even take a name or two.
It all started in my mind.
It could have ended there too, but instead it started there.
Have a great day.
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