As You Read this Headline, Your Future is being Written

As You Read this Headline, Your Future is being Written
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Everything we do is in preparation for the future.

Whether we are aware of it or not.

If you stop to think about what you are doing and thinking about today, do you like the future you are writing?

If not, it’s not too late to reverse course and start writing the future you want!

For instance, when you are in high school, you are not just completing high school. You are either preparing for college or to sharpen your cognitive skills as you prepare to enter the workforce.

When you are in college, you are most definitely preparing yourself for the workforce, although sadly so many majors do little to nothing to accomplish that.

Now think about when you go to the gym. Are you there to achieve results in the here and now? Of course not! Nobody sees their results as they are working out. You work out today to see results in the future. You are preparing your body to be stronger and fitter tomorrow, not today.

Whatever you are doing today, “future you” will either thank you or shake his/her fist at you.

So this is actually very good news. Sure, we can look in the mirror and say to ourselves “what have you been doing all these years, wasting all that time!” And it might be healthy for us to do so if we need to acknowledge where we fell short in order to start over and hit the mark moving forward.

But that is the point. This is all forward. You can fix your errors today and recognize that you are preparing today for your tomorrow.

What does a better or ideal tomorrow look like for you? Whatever it is, there is a plan for success written already. You just need to start practicing.

To learn how and how to ensure success in your future, you need to read my article on planning for success. It is an amazing way to script your future to ensure you achieve your goals. Check it out here and here’s to your pursuit of great!

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