More Thoughts on Patriotism…

More Thoughts on Patriotism...
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Recently I posted about an almost-throwaway line from George Orwell in one of his least known novels that exposed with great clarity a defining factor that can make or break feelings of patriotism.

You can read more about that here, and you should.

Thanks for indulging my shameless plug.

In the meantime, thoughts of competing forms of government, bureaucrats wielding power, wars for control of land, brewing revolutions, etc. have been permeating the atmosphere.

You don’t need to be told that. It’s all around.

Which begs the question of land ownership and which governments should or will have staying power.

It might be time to break the news to you.

No country or system of government today will remain in its current form forever.

Ask yourself this: which countries or governments have lasted throughout all the ages in the same form?

Or, who has maintained control of the same piece of land with the same borders and the same system of governance throughout the ages?

It doesn’t take long to see the answer.

None have.

To be clear, that does not endorse violent overthrows, coups, wars of imperialism, etc. Quite the opposite, actually. Keep reading to find out what I do endorse – its’ good!

So before you get too wrapped up in your nation’s current form as though it were going to last, it might help to know the end from the beginning.

It won’t last forever.

Unless it’s the first to do so, of course.

It probably isn’t, though.

So what to do?

Just throw in the towel and stop caring?

Not so fast!

The fact that no system of government has ever lasted does not mean yours must be destroyed.

It means you have an opportunity to enhance it, build it, grow it, improve it, and more.

And the power to do so lies with you.

The good news is, you don’t have to exert any power over any other person.

All you have to do is exert the power you are endowed with in your own personal life, focusing on your own domain.

Personal responsibility results in the improvement of government?

When you take control over your own domain, improving yourself, loving those around you and building a foundation, you create a ripple effect that that spreads to others nearby.

Call it your “sphere of influence”.

When others catch on and do the same, or as your network grows, the ripple effect grows.

When the ripple effect grows, it eventually reaches critical mass.

When it reaches critical mass, governments and institutions of power must get on board to stay in power.

But who has the power, really?

Instead of fighting tooth and nail to preserve a status quo, the banner of the name of a government that may or may not be operating in your best interest (or even in your interest at all), you can focus on the one thing that will cause a ripple effect throughout your entire world and change your life for the better at the same time.


It’s a win-win.

First you take care of and build yourself, then you watch positive effects occur to those in your network, then you watch the network grow and, if it’s any good, then you watch similar networks sprout up.

Before you know it, you’ve created a better you and better culture and, when that happens, larger systems like governments have no choice but to keep up.

They say politics is downstream of culture, but let’s change that.

Politics is downstream of you.

It may sound cliche, but it all does start with you.

If you are unwilling to start with you, be prepared to watch the status quo you are fighting tooth and nail to preserve slip away.

Because it will.

History has shown us that is what happens.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even in your lifetime.

But it will.

So don’t let it grow stagnant just to watch it slip away.

Start building yourself and creating that positive ripple effect that will ultimately improve it an empower more people to live with prosperity and liberty than it does today.

I don’t care how much you love your current nation or system of government.

Even if you think it’s the best ever, if you’re being honest, you know it can improve.

And that improvement starts with you.

So get after it. Help yourself. Help others. Peacefully create the government and country that supports all of us.

Maybe that country or form of government will have the same name as it does today. Maybe it won’t.

There is one thing you can rest assured of, though.

Whatever you call it, it will be one that will make you feel patriotic.

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You have the power to decide what you believe.

So believe in the good and believe in you!

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