Can Chlorella Reduce the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

Can chlorella reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
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Chlorella is a single-cell alga that is consumed widely for health promotion purposes.  People often take it for its high-protein concentration, antioxidant capacity, and a belief that it can help heal certain diseases and boost overall health.

But what about fibromyalgia?

Studies are still in their infancy, but some researchers are beginning their foray into discovering what this health-packed superfood can bring to the table.

To that end, researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University and Medical College of Virginia tested 20 patients with moderately severe symptoms of fibromyalgia, 18 of who completed the trial.

To determine chlorella’s potential impact in reducing their pain symptoms, patients were administered two commercially-available chlorella products, 10g of “Sun Chlorella” tablets and 100mL of “Wakasa Gold” liquid chlorella.  They then measured the impact at clinic visits at the beginning of the trial as well as on days 30 and 60 of the trial.

The results they observed were positive and statistically significant.

In terms of individual responses from the patients themselves, seven patients believed the chlorella supplements improved their condition, six believed it had no impact, and five believed their symptoms were worse after the trial.

However, the most positive outcome of this trial was the fact that the researchers observed a 22 percent reduction in pain symptoms across the group.

This is a great start that warrants further trials to determine more accurately how chlorella can help fibromyalgia patients, whether or not it is truly a viable treatment option, and how that treatment ought to be administered.

For the time being, though, the results are extremely promising and provide even more evidence of the potential power of superfoods to heal and help us achieve our very best health and very best life. 

Of course, do not start or change any treatment plan based on this information.  It is presented for informational purposes only.  Always consult with your licensed health care provider before starting or changing any treatment program and never consume anything you are allergic to or may contraindicate other medications you are taking.  Ask your doctor if you are not sure.

If you are looking for a commercially-available superfood product that contains chlorella, please see below for more details.

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